Monday, November 23, 2020

Ships Stranded in the Desert

 Stranded in the Desert

Watercolour 14x19cm

The inhabitants of Abyssworld continue with their busy lives despite an evident cataclysmic event,
which must have happened some time ago, judging by the rusty hulk...

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Devil's Fingers - Far Side

 The Devil's Fingers - Far Side
Watercolour 56 x 76cm

This watercolour painting shows the same rock feature, but viewed from the opposite side from the previous post. A huge warning sign warns road users of the perils above them!

Note that the exhibition at Primeyarc, in central Great Yarmouth, has been closed temporarily due to the coronavirus lockdown. All being well, this should re-open on December 2nd.

The Devil's Fingers

 The Devil's Fingers

Charcoal on paper 65 x 95cm
This large charcoal drawing describes the Devil's Fingers rock outcrops. 
As can be seen, the highway engineers decided to take the shortest route around this feature, despite the obvious danger of future rock collapses!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mountain Road


Mountain Road Climbing to a Tunnel

Charcoal on paper, 66 x 101cm (26" x 40")

Monday, November 2, 2020

Diversion around an impact crater. Charcoal on paper, 56 x 76cm, 2019.

Abyssworld travels through a meteorite storm each year; fortunately, the projectiles tend to strike the central, desert belt area of the planet, so that highways can be closed for a few weeks until the danger has passed. Swift repairs may then be necessary!

 Bridges crossing a rift. Typical problems for the inhabitants of Abyssworld...

Charcoal on paper, each 56 x 76cm.

Chechan Fault Helicoidal Leveller

  Chechan Fault Helicoidal Leveller A new version of this subject. There is an earlier one, from a different angle, featured in The Abysswor...