Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Chechan Fault Helicoidal Leveller

 Chechan Fault Helicoidal Leveller

A new version of this subject. There is an earlier one, from a different angle, featured in The Abyssworld book. This is the largest watercolour I have painted for more than ten years, at 76 x 106cm (30"x40"). I spent two full days getting the drawing of the spiral construction correct.

The name of Chechan is from a real place in Chad, which I came across when researching for the novel based on the Abyssworld series, which is coming out soon.

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Chechan Fault Helicoidal Leveller

  Chechan Fault Helicoidal Leveller A new version of this subject. There is an earlier one, from a different angle, featured in The Abysswor...